27 January 2014
New ExpPrint Release - V6.1.1.1
Now that we understand the scenario that can give rise to this exception, we’ve added a specific handler for it that will suggest you try the file with ExpPrint on a 64-bit version of Windows (if you’re running on a 32-bit version).
Please note that ExpPrint failing to load a large listing is not a common situation. ExpPrint is capable of processing very large listings on all 32-bit Windows operating systems. The likelihood is that only large storage systems with listings comprising of hundreds of thousands of files may encounter this situation, and they will (I hope) be eminently placed to have a 64-bit version of Windows that they can run ExpPrint on.
25 January 2014
Free ShellExec test application V1.5 is now Unicode
As a software developer I find it surprising how you keep finding a need for certain things you write as little throw away test programs.
10 January 2014
Working with extremely large ExpPrint listings
ExpPrint can handle most directory listings quite easily, and it’s only with large listings (many tens of pages) that your browser may slow down appreciably. However, earlier today a customer reported a problem when they tried to view an extremely large listing, comprising over half a million items.
6 January 2014
Using ExpPrint to create a Photo Catalogue with your photo people tags/metadata
For a while I’ve been investigating how to future proof my scanned family photos so that they retain their people name metadata. Unfortunately, it appears that there’s not yet consensus from the different photo editor vendors on how such information should be stored. Geoff Coupe’s blog contains some of the most comprehensive practical information I’ve come across so far.
The issue boiled down to the fact that I couldn’t be sure that any future software would correctly retain or migrate the current people metadata. I’m fairly sure the opposite is more likely to be the norm. Therefore, as a precautionary measure I thought I’d look into capturing a thumbnail of the image along with its metadata. I investigated specialist media cataloguing applications, assuming that they would do the job seamlessly. I had Microsoft Expression Media 2 (which was iView Media and is now Phase One Media Pro), and I also had a look at Daminion, but neither seemed to be able to output the people information that Microsoft Live Photo Gallery can embed in the photo files with its face recognition facility. I like Microsoft Photo Gallery because it embeds the people information into the photo file rather than in its own separate database file which could easily get disconnected from the photo files.
It then struck me that ExpPrint can output the Photo Gallery people information, so all I needed to do to make ExpPrint into a functional Photo Cataloguing facility was to have it show thumbnails of the photos.
4 January 2014
ExpPrint updated to V6.1.1.0
We’ve just released the latest version of ExpPrint. This is a minor update that adds support for a few additional Properties commonly found in Microsoft PowerPoint and Office documents.